Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Surfers

This is my first blog so it may be a bit choppy to start. It will have commentary with photos and video. Should be fun. My first thought is why doesn't Blogger have Medical or Healthcare in the choices for your profession? I'm a physical therapist in the medical field, I had to put 'other' for my 'industry'. I want to show you a photo I took of a kite surfer in Tampa Bay yesterday (Fri, 1/30). The wind was brisk and there were 15 or so surfers, they all had wet suits on. They all seemed to know each other, I could tell they were having a blast on Super Bowl Friday. My wife and son are in North Carolina while I help my aging parents here in Fort Myers, Florida. I went to a balance seminar in Tampa on Thursday and Friday, I saw plenty of Steeler garb but not much Cardinal. What's up Arizona? Here is a photo of a kite surfer with the city behind him.

The seminar taught us how to treat patients with vestibular balance problems. Bringing photos in wasn't too bad, I guess it will get better with experience. The traffic in Tampa was incredible Friday afternoon. I hope it wont be too hard to import video. Let's give it a try. I want to show you 'Light at the end of a tunnel', a video I shot while driving to West Virgina last year. Here it is . . .

I believe we all have that notion of a "light" at the end of our tunnel. A blinding light. Purity. Perfection. We humans are romantic to a fault. Men and woman. I've got lots of great video, photographs, and things to say. Bye for now.


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